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No Zebras & More was founded in 2012 to better help our clients get access to first-class sexual assault prevention education anywhere in the world. 


As of October 2018, we are re-branded as No Zebras Productions. Since 2001, SAPA has developed the foremost peer advocate program in the country, training hundreds of advocates who then go on to change the world in the sexual violence prevention field.


As a result, No Zebras Productions, SAPA's flagship program is presented all over the world by our amazing company cast.

We strive to provide the cutting edge sexual violence prevention programs that you are looking for:


One that is grounded in current research, as well as our near 40 years of combined experience of bystander intervention programming, sexual assault prevention education as well as working with survivors.


Our programs will engage your audiences
(both military and college students) to help change the conversation around sexual assault, intimate partner violence, stalking and harassment. No Zebras is still among the most cost-effective ways to educate students and professionals alike.

No Zebras Productions is made up of multi-media, real-world examples of the topics being addressed.


To further address the topics and to give context for the scenes, an educator will break down the scene and talk about what that it means, and how to intervene. The educators draw on their experiences as both a peer and as well as an advocate. 

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